Corporate Social Responsibility
Argosy is committed to fulfill corporate social responsibility and to contribute the sustainable development of economic, environmental and social progress. During our business operations, we proactively practice corporate social responsibility by improving the quality of life of our employees, community and society; and engage in globalization by enhancing our core competitions.
In fulfilling corporate social responsibility initiatives, Argosy shall, in its corporate management guidelines and business operations, give due respect for social ethics and consideration to the rights and interests of stakeholders and, while pursuing sustainable operations and profits, also give due consideration to the environment, society, and corporate governance.
To implement corporate social responsibility initiatives, Argosy is advised to follow the principles below:
1. Exercise corporate governance.
2. Foster a sustainable environment.
3. Preserve public welfare.
4. Enhance disclosure of corporate social responsibility information.
Argosy is advised to take into account the effect of business operations on ecological efficiency, promote and advocate the concept of sustainable consumption, and conduct research and development, procurement, production, operations, and services in accordance with the following principles to reduce the impact on the natural environment and human beings from their business operations:
1. Reduce resource and energy consumption of their products and services.
2. Reduce emission of pollutants, toxins and waste, and dispose of waste properly.
3. Improve recyclability and reusability of raw materials or products.
4. Maximize the sustainability of renewable resources.
To improve water use efficiency, Argosy properly and sustainably uses water resources and establish relevant management measures. Argosy constructs and improves environmental protection treatment facilities to avoid polluting water, air, and land, and uses their best efforts to reduce adverse impact on human health and the environment by adopting the best practical pollution prevention and control measures.
Argosy is advised to adopt standards or guidelines generally used in Taiwan and abroad to enforce corporate greenhouse gas inventory and to make disclosures thereof, the scope of which shall include the following:
1. Direct greenhouse gas emissions: emissions from operations that are owned or controlled by the company.
2. Indirect greenhouse gas emissions: emissions resulting from the generation of externally purchased or acquired electricity, heating, or steam.
Argosy is advised to monitor the impact of climate change on their operations and should establish company strategies for energy conservation and carbon and greenhouse gas reduction based upon their operations and the result of a greenhouse gas inventory. Such strategies should include obtaining carbon credits to promote and minimize the impact of their business operations on climate change.