Certificates and Awards

    Argosy Certificates

    • RBA 7.0 SILVER Status Responsible Business Alliance
    • IATF 16949 International Automotive Task Force renewed
    • D-U-N-S Certificate renewed
    • Electro-Plating License
    • ISO 14064-1 Greenhouse Gases- Organization's GHG Inventory
    • ISO 14067 Greenhouse Gases- Carbon Footprint of Products  new
    • ISO 50001 Energy Management  new
    • Green Factory of Jiangsu Province  new
    • QC 080000 Hazardous Substance Process Management System renewed
    • ISO 45001 Management System of Occupational Health and Safety
    • ISO 14001 Environment Management System renewed
    • ISO 9001 Quality Management System renewed

      RBA 7.0 SILVER Status

      Argosy acquired 176.3 scores and achieved SILVER Status in RBA 7.0 VAP, and acquired full scores in Labor, Environment, Ethics and Manufacture system.

      RBA 7.0 SILVER Status-Argosy Hsinchu Factory

      IATF 16949 Automotive Connector

       Argosy_Hsinchu factory_IATF 16949

      D-U-N-S Certificate

      Argosy_DNB Certificate

      Electro-Plating License

      Argosy Suining- Plating License

      ISO 14064-1 GHG Emission Statement

      Argosy Kunshan- ISO 14064-1

      ISO 14067 Carbon Footprint Statement

      Argosy Kunshan- ISO 14067

      ISO 50001 Energy Management

      優群ISO 50001認證

      Green Factory of Jiangsu Province

      Green Factory of Jiangsu Province

      QC 080000 HS Process Management

      Argosy_Hsinchu Factory_QC 080000

      ISO 45001 Occupational Health and Safety

      Argosy Kunshan- ISO 45001

      ISO 14001 Environment Management

      Argosy_ISO 14001

      ISO 9001 Quality Management

      Argosy_Hsinchu Factory_ISO 9001